Monthly Archive April 2018

ByAlexander Schaffler

AOC A to A Support for Deutscher Alpenflug LU Michael Bergmann…

FTD Consulting has supported the AOC Holder, the Deutscher Alpenflug, Luftfahrtunternehmen Michael Bergmann with updating their AOC documentation to EASA 965/2012 regulatory requirements. The AOC is conducting VFR operations by day A to A at Kempten Durach. See a quick video of our client for pure enjoyment!

ByAlexander Schaffler

AOC Approval Support for Tannheimer Flieger- & Freizeitzentrum…

ImageFTD Consulting has supported a national AOC Holder, the Tannheimer Flieger- & Freizeitzentrum with updating their AOC documentation to EASA 965/2012 regulatory requirements. The AOC is conducting VFR operations by day A to A and is operating various aircraft such as Grob G115, Robin DR400, Cessna 150, and Super Decathlon. Tannheim is still famous for their former annual flying event called Tannkosh.