Yearly Archive 2021

ByAlexander Schaffler

FFL Flight Training ATO receives qualification for their A322 FNPT II MCC device with the German LBA

A successful project for A322 FNPTII MCC qualification administered through FFL Flight Training via Aerotask, Germany, a new Training Device Manufacturer for the professional pilot training industry.

Essen/Mülheim 6 July 2021FFL Flight Training, located at Essen/Mülheim Airport, Germany, recently acquired an A322 FNPT II MCC simulator from the German based manufacturer Aerotask to support their increased demand for jet transition, familiarization and ATPL training.

Aerotask originates from the field of manufacturing and exploitation of non-certified simulators and has recently entered the professional pilot training market with this joint project with FFL Flight Training. So as to achieve their first EASA qualification, Aerotask selected several partners to complement their efforts to turn this undertaking into a successful project.

For the A320 resembling avionics, flight modelling and visual integration along with a coupled eQTG software solution, the Netherlands based software developer ProSim has been selected. ProSim has a known track record of customers with successful international approvals for A320 and 737 resembling Flight Training Devices.

To provide guidance for compliance with EASA CS-FSTD(A) Issue 2 and monitor all over project integration for the Flight Simulator qualification, including documentation, the German based company FTD Consulting has been appointed.

The A322 flight simulator has now been qualified as generic FNPT II MCC with the German civil aviation authority LBA in June 2021.

Ulrich Langenecker, FFL: “Benjamin Bliss and I started this project two years ago with the goal to develop a sophisticated Flight Training Device, which represents an airliner, besides the big manufacturers in the market and at a reasonable price.

With ProSim and FTD Consulting we won excellent partners for this project.

Thanks to the professionalism, enthusiasm and commitment of all partners involved and thanks to the support of the LBA we now finally achieved certification as FNPT II MCC in Germany. This is quite a success.

FFL is proud and happy to offer its students a sophisticated, state of the art training tool. The FSTD will be used for the final stage of the ATPL Training as well as transition to and familiarization with a modern Jet Airliner.”

Benjamin Bliss, Aerotask: “First of all I want to express many thanks to Ulrich Langenecker, FFL, to place his trust in us. I am very proud of the achievement which was a true team effort. With the experience we gained and having fulfilled the highest standards of a German authority, we have set course for the next projects.“

Hanne Koole, ProSim: “We congratulate FFL with this great achievement allowing the oldest privately owned flight school in Germany to further increase their training capacity at this crucial moment of market recovery. We are thankful for the trust and participation of FFL, the LBA and our partners involved. Following multiple certifications in other EASA governed countries we believe this qualification in Germany, in accordance with the highest standards, will give other ATOs the confidence to obtain, as well, ProSim based solutions.”

Alexander Schaffler, FTD Consulting: “It has been a pleasure to work with FFL, Aerotask and ProSim on this project and bring it to a successful qualification. I have to say that the exchange with the project partners has been straight forward and a true team building event and made this happen.“

Introduction of the partners involved:

FFL is one of the oldest Flight Schools in Germany and has trained far more than 6000 Airline Pilots to date. At its Base in Essen/Mülheim it offers the complete variety of Flight Training and Instructor courses and is partner of several universities.

FFL Fachschule für Luftfahrzeugführer GmbH

Brunshofstraße 1

45470 Mülheim

Tel: +49(0)208 3782760

Fax: +49(0)208 374747

ProSim Training Solutions enhances pilot training with FMS trainer software and fixed base simulator software solutions.

With ProSim software, fixed based training devices are available for multiple jet aircraft, both generic and type specific, to suit any training needs. ProSim has become recognised as a market leader by achieving a high growth rate with more than 300 professional installations.

ProSim Training Solutions

Rotterdamseweg 388D

2629 HG Delft

The Netherlands

Tel: +31-(0)858770808

FTD Consulting is a consulting and services company based in Munich, Germany. With our expertise we close gaps for those who operate aviation businesses, in particular AOC Holders, Approved Training Organisations (ATOs) and Flight Simulator Operators (FSTD).

Following more than 14 years of experience in simulator building and qualification, with our team of consultants in a great international network, we can provide you with solutions in every field of aviation.

FTD Consulting, Alexander Schaffler

Gabelsbergerstrasse 48

80333 München

Tel: +49-0179 428 41 50

Fax: +49-89-45815324


Aerotask is a one stop shop for turnkey solutions for fixed base trainers. Flightdeck and enclosed cabinets as well as Instructor Stations are built in our workshop, located in Solingen. Each device can be fully customised upon the needs of the customer.

Aerotask GmbH

Friedrich-Wilhelm-Str. 41

42655 Solingen

Tel: +49-212 6454 3083

ByAlexander Schaffler

NPA 2020-15: Adoption of new EASA FSTD Standards

NPA 2020-15: New EASA FSTD Standards

Time to leave your comments with EASA via the CRT!

Dear Aviation Professionals,

as you might already have been notified when subscribed to the EASA website is the Notice of Proposed Amendment NPA 2020-15 newly released by EASA in late 2020 and planned to become effective by end 2021.

I encourage every single one of you to read through this NPA, and also strongly encourage you to use EASA Comment Response Tool (CRT) to leave your comments.

This NPA is the basis for quite an impacting change on the regulations concerning FSTDs, from Part-FCL, Part-ORA.GEN/.FSTD as well as the CS-FSTD(A) itself. FST will help you in the process whether you built devices or you want to obtain devices or update your existing device.

If the read of 426 pages is too much for you I suggest to watch the video of TRAFICOM excellently providing a first insight in the matter.

See video here

With the new Issue 3, these changes will be implemented for the higher fidelity devices used for type rating training and later also be relevant for lower level devices.

The changes will affect the following in brief:

  • FSTD classification system change (FSTD Levels are completely changed)
  • Additional FSTD Capability Signature (FCS) adopted from ICAO 9625 based on Generic, Representative and Specific  FSTD Layouts for respective Training Tasks
  • Additional Equipment Specification List (ESL) changed and extended from current Qualification Certificate
  • A clearer statement on the dependency of FSTD fidelity and use in training with a training matrix which is directly reflected in the FCS and ESL.

It is time to Comment! Your can provide your valuable thoughts on the impacts!

Use the Comment-Response-Tool (CRT) with EASA and leave comments in the new NPA. As for us we have studied the NPA and will continue rereading it. We found a lot of points which need either clarification or have a significant influence on future manufacturing and qualification of FSTDs and their use in training.

As in our view a lot of the changes are welcomed, but as always they need to be done with caution. As the change is really a major change in our industry it is time to carefully check on the effects!

You find the CRT via this link on the EASA website: