– According to our earlier posts, you might have recognised that FTD Consulting is currently addressing several ATO approvals for complex & non-complex organisation according to Commission Regulation (EU) No 290/2012 date 30th of March 2012, an amendment of the former Commission Regulation (EU) 1178/2011. In this post we would like to share some details with you, how the new set of documentation is structured.
If you have been operating an FTO or TRTO, you will be familiar with the set of Operations Manuals A to D with the respective information. These might well be accompanied by other manuals, such as Quality Manuals and the CAME if you operate it in-house. If you have never been an FTO or TRTO and beling to the flight school operators, the former registered facilities (RF), then this post is especially for you, but not only for you, as even for FTOs/ TRTOs, there are a lot of changes, which most won´t anticipate.
The Operation Manuals (OM A to D) and the complete set of Training Manuals (TM General plus specific manuals) have to be amended to EASA standards with the respective information and the new regulatory references. As this will consume quite some time, an operator will have to set up an Organisation Management Manual (OMM) in addition which is necessary to operate the mandatory Management System which comprises the following subsystems:
If you already have an existing quality documentation and plan to amend that to the new standard, this effort is in vain as you have to re-write the whole manual and add a good number of pages. We did that with an existing FTO quality manual and found it a lot of work. If you have a none existent doumentation as you never applied for an ATO or you are a registered facility, you will drown in work as there are 10 documents comprising a 1000 pages to write and to compile according to the required EASA standards.
“But what can we do?”, you might think. Well, either you follow the instructions of PART-ORA.GEN and ORA.ATO for the management system documentation and get one, two or three skilled employees to work several months on it or you inquire with us via our project website ATO-approval. We offer not only a complete set of EASA-compliant documentation, but also consulting services for your flight school.
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